Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Saving Lives, Lifting Weights, & Even Dealing with People’s Private Parts: This Very Well Could Be My Future Sister- An Interview with Rachel

Rachel is a 23- year- old pharmacy student who graduates from Albany School of Pharmacy in May. She stands about 5'4 and has long blonde hair with big blue eyes. She is originally from Syracuse and has lived in Albany for the past six years. She sat down with me Winthrop Ave, where she lives with my brother Kevin, to talk to me about nutsacks, power lifting, and helping to save lives. We sit in the living room as Rachel is sitting and playing with my puppy, Roxie who is an energetic eight month old Puggle. The way that we get along and how she interacts with Roxie many would guess she already is part of the family.

What brought you to Albany?
Pharmacy School, it was either between coming to Albany or going to Buffalo.

What made you then decide to come to Albany instead of Buffalo?
Buffalo was way too big. I would have partied way too much. I would not have done as good in school at Buffalo. Albany was the perfect size ; only having about 100 students per class. I knew that was the better decision.

What has been your experiences living around here; some of your likes and dislikes?
Morris Street was definitely a dislike. My house was a dump. My landlord was a jerk. I think maybe that’s what I dislike the most is landlord issues. Also, parking is much worse here in Albany than it is in Syracuse. I remind Rachel that as I parked on the street in back of her, I noticed that our cars must be moved to the other side of the street by six so we do not get tickets.
I like that I met Kevin here, and I really like that there’s not as much snow as in Syracuse. I also really like that there’s a Sephora. [Laughs]

What’s one of your most memorable moments since living in Albany?
[Long Pause]
I think my most memorable moment was meeting Kevin. Whenever I thinkof Albany I think of Kevin. [Giggling and Blushing]
Graduation in May will also probably be one of my most memorable moments, but that has not happened yet.

What made you choose to go into Pharmacy School?
I knew that I wanted to do something in the medical profession. My friend’s older sister was graduating from pharmacy school when I was in high school and I never knew how much money they made until she told me. Then I realized it was the perfect thing for me to do. I worked at Eckerd Pharmacy in high school after that and I realized that this was what I wanted to do.

What has been your experiences been like working in the medical field? Do you have any good stories?
Oh man yes, working in hospitals you see crazy things. I have watched surgeries on
people and I have definitely seen my share of crazy things. I had a really funny story one time I had this guy who was on Comadine, he had to be almost 80. Comadine is a blood thinner, anyways so this guy comes in and he is bleeding from his private area because he was shaving down there. He had cut his nutsack and he is showing me his injury, and I was just trying to help him, but could not help from cracking up.

I have also seen some really sad things working in hospitals. I am doing a round in the oncology unit and have seen kids with cancer and tumors and it is really sad. It’s very emotional. In actual pharmacies you just deal with drugs, but with rotations you work in hospitals you see many different things. Also, in the pharmacy profession you see employees stealing drugs a lot. There was a guy we worked with who was stealing Loratab, which is a form of hydrocodone. There are many drug addicts out there.

What is one thing people would never guess from looking at you?
When I was 15 I won the Junior World Power Lifting Championship. I do not even remember how much I benched, but I remember I could bench a lot for my age group.

What made you choose to go back to Syracuse after graduation, and is that where you want to be?
It is my family and my parents. My whole family is out there and living in such a bad part of Albany turned me off from living here. If I had seen your family’s neighborhood sooner and Colonie, I would have thought about staying, but I only saw the dumps where I lived.
No, I want to move south. I cannot do the cold and the snow. Someday I want to live near the beach and palm trees. I want to work and make lots and lots of money so I can move maybe in five years or so.

If you could do it all over again would you still choose to live in Albany, or would you have done something different?
I would have definitely chosen to come here, but I will miss it once I leave. With Kevin and my friends being from here and having friends here I know Albany will always be a part of my life.
