Monday, February 11, 2008

The Colorful Corner

Place: Corner of Western Avenue and North Main Street at a crosswalk

Time: January 31, 8:15 A.M.

Physical Surroundings: As I stand on the corner, sunny blue skies are above me and some wispy clouds hover toward the horizon. Are they cumulus?
The sun shining through the trees has to fight its way through St. Andrew’s Episcopal church. It is almost that of an angelic presence or aura. The white house on the corner on North Main Street has two garbage pails next to it beneath a window. Squirrels peek their heads out of tiny holes that they have made in the pails. They look around to see if it’s safe. Even squirrels know the area’s reputation. They run back and forth. Cars come to a stop, as the light turns red on North Main. Their brakes squeal to a halt. On Western Avenue, the light turns green and the large CDTA bus plows forward as it releases its air brakes, oblivious to everyone else. People are beeping their horns viciously as if to battle with one another. The air is crisp and cool. It feels invigorating to the senses, yet the diesel exhaust from the buses cuts the crispness and my head feels pressurized. Ahhh…the smell of a new school year; sitting in the back of the yellow school bus, getting a splitting headache. Cars sitting at the red traffic light on North Main Street are of different varieties and colors: a white Toyota Corolla, a dark green Chevy Blazer, and an eggplant Chevy Cavalier, all of which were students. Rust and heavy stereo systems are the indicator. The priorities of a college student!

People Watch: People from all walks of life pass up and down the sidewalks of North Main and Western: Preppy college students and those that just hauled themselves out of bed, elderly people going for their morning walk, and daily commuters that arrive to their destination by foot. Oddly enough, all are quiet and solemn as they trudge off to the daily grind. The preppy style females are wearing designer labels like Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle and Ugg Boots; a fashion must-have at the College of Saint Rose. The more average college students, wearing sweat pants, a sweatshirt, and sneakers with a coffee in their hands. Is there room for any other kind? The girls’ hair flung up in a messy bun and the males throw the hoods over their heads. They were hunched over and yawning. Although this part of Albany contains mostly college students, a few elderly people are taking their morning stroll in the brisk early morning. They are bundled up in hat and mittens that appear to be hand knit in beautiful colors like those of an intricate Norwegian sweater. Unbelievably, none of these walkers made a sound, except for the occasional cough and a cell phone sounding for an incoming text message. The college students standing very close to me as the corner also serves as an undeclared and unmarked bus stop.

Five Senses: My breath, as I stand near the crosswalk, escapes from me as I exhale, like a paranormal being fleeing from my body. The tip of my nose and my ears are cold. When I touch my hands to them, although cold, it seems refreshing and revitalizing. Some breeze sweeps through the air just enough to move those tiny hairs at the edge of your hairline. The trees lining the streets are so beautiful despite the bareness of their branches. They almost tell tales of what used to be in the city of Albany. The branches reach out into the street and across the many buildings that share the street with them.

Other Notes: Being in this part of Albany reminds me of my father’s stories of when he was a cop and detective for the Albany Police Department. Speeding cars and those that ran red lights reminded me the stories of him patrolling up and down the streets chasing criminals. I can not help but wonder about the vehicles moving in and out of the children’s center just down a ways from the crosswalk that I am at. Are these people great mentors for kids? Or do they just go about their lives and simply force their way into that driveway for a job? Road signs line North Main such as “ No parking from here to corner” and “ No parking 7A.M. to 11 A.M. Wednesdays.” Surprisingly enough, people obey these commands.
